Provides more than 30 drawing and painting tools for your children. Has numerous stamps and special effects included, as well as sound effects, to add to paintings. For younger kids it offers enlarging colouring pages and starter backgrounds. Features printer ink conserving option.
Kid Friendly Interface Encourages Exploration and CreativityDiscover Painting's unique interface is a virtual kid's painting studio where everything on the screen can be clicked and used to compose a picture. This studio layout uses brightly colored, rendered images of everyday objects to represent the various painting tools. Many of these easy to use tools are actually sophisticated image processing effects in disguise. Discover Painting features over 30 painting and drawing tools, in addition to a library of 144 stamps, visual special effects, sounds effects, and an expandable set of coloring pages and starter backgrounds. Parent Friendly TooDiscover Painting also includes an option specifically designed to conserve printer ink. Complete instructions are provided in the form of standard help screens and automatically appearing tool tips. The main window always opens full screen to maximize the painting area and to minimize the chance of kids accidentally clicking on something off limits.